Wybierz kongres
PTAK WARSAW EXPO, Nadarzyn, Hala E
January 16 – 18, 2024
Day 1 | 16.01.2024
Session 1 | 11:30 - 13:00
Introductory presentation:
EU and Poland’s Policy on Energy Storage – Sara Radzicka-Tolwaj, Bird&Bird
The energy storage market in the Czech Republic – Jan Fousek, AKU-BAT
- EU Policy on Increasing Flexibility in the Energy System
- Energy Storage Strategy for the EU
- Poland’s Energy Storage Policy
Panel Discussion: With the explosion of new European markets in energy
storage, most are driven by EU-directed programs and packages such as
REPowerEU and KPO. What political changes and reforms can we expect?
- Cezary Wawrzos, GoodWe
- Jan Fousek, AKU – BAT
- Denis Prokopczyk, SUNWODA
- Łukasz Bartkiewicz, METROPOLIS
- Prof. Henryk Majchrzak, Przewodniczący Polskiego Komitetu Światowej
- Rady Energetycznej (World Energy Council)
Moderator: Krzysztof Kochanowski, PIME
Session 2 | 13.10 – 14.30
(Overview and objectives of programs co-financing photovoltaic and
energy storage projects)
Introductory presentation:
- Support systems for RES installations- Łukasz Bartkiewicz, METROPOLIS
- Support systems for energy storage facilities- Aleksandra Jabłońska, NFOŚiGW
Issues: Members of the panel shared project support programs in
branches for various market segments:
- prosumer – “My electricity” – a short reminder of history, recent program goals and resources, “Grand RES” – an opportunity for housing communities
- RES industrial installations – available through distribution
- industrial PV installations in other subsidizing programs
- formal investment proceedings – how to complete and complete
- Zsuzsanna Iwanicka, BOŚ Bank
- Aleksandra Jabłońska-Steć, NFOŚiGW
- Artur Wojtysiak, Solfinity
- Tomasz Aziewicz, Santander Leasing
- Katarzyna Dorozińska, NFOŚiGW
- Tomasz Makowski, BGK
Moderator: Krzysztof Bukała, Solfinity
Session partner: SOLFINIT
Session 3 | 14.40 – 16.00
Introductory presentation:
- Challenges in the regulations regarding energy storage – what we have, what we don’t have, what we are waiting for
- The Role of the State – Regulations
- The Role of the Regulator – URE Policy
- The Role of Operators – IRiESP and IRiESD
Panel Discussion: In what direction should regulations develop to foster the growth of the energy storage market and improve relations with operators – best practices and barriers
- Wojciech Cetnarski, Wento
- Grzegorz Pizoń, wiceprezes zarządu PIME (Bird&Bird)
- Michał Motylewski, Radca Prawny Ekspert Rynku Energii
- Filip Piasecki, Aurora Energy Research
Moderator: Krzysztof Kochanowski, PIME
Session partner: Bird&Bird
Day 2 | 17.01.2024
Session 1 | 11:30 - 13:00
Introductory presentation:
- PIME/IEO Draft Report “Roadmap for the Heat Storage Market” – Grzegorz Wiśniewski, Institute of Renewable Energy Introduction to the Topic and Panel Discussion
- Short-term (daily-hourly) heat storage plans
- Long-term (including seasonal) heat storage plans
- Potential areas of heat storage applications
- Most prospective markets and consumers for 2024-2025
- Key changes in the market in 2023
Panel Discussion: The Role of Heat Storage in Decarbonizing the Energy
Sector – Heat Transformation
Invited Participants:
- Piotr Prawda, CMS Cameron MacKenna
- Piotr Banaś, LIVTRON
- Bogusław Regulski, IGCP
- Mariusz Twardawa, IEO
- Janusz Starościk, SPIUG
Moderator: Grzegorz Wiśniewski, Instytut Energii Odnawialnej
Session Partners: CMS Cameron McKenna
Session 2 | 13.10 – 14.30
Introductory presentations:
- The energy storage market in Europe – changes and overview of investment projects – Joanna Spirodek, Fluence
- Case study of an energy storage project in the power market – Kamil Talar, PIME expert (NRG Project)
- Implementation of energy storage with large-scale RES
- Implementation of energy storage in clusters and cooperatives
- Implementation of energy storage at energy consumers
- Financing commercial energy storage and public grants
Panel Discussion: How to Build, Finance, and Profit from Electrical Energy
Storage – Best Practices and Barriers
- Dariusz Kowalczyk-Tomerski, Columbus Energy
- Mateusz Leszczyński, OX2
- Kamil Talar, NRG Project
- Joanna Spirodek, Fluence
- Tomasz Rodziewicz, Tauron Dystrybucja
- Cezary Michalski, NFOŚiGW
- Alexander Bianchi, Wento
Moderator: Krzysztof Kochanowski, PIME
Session 3 | 14.40 – 16.00
Introductory presentation – Ewa Mataczyńska, Expert EU DSO (PGE
- Legal assumptions for the European “flexibility code”
- National regulations
- Flexibility services: the approach of energy operators and service providers
- Experiences of countries that have implemented flexibility services
Panel Discussion: How to Organize the Flexibility Services Market in
Poland? To What Extent Can Experiences from Other Countries be Applied
to the Specifics of the Energy Market in Poland?
- Ewa Mataczyńska, Ekspert EU DSO (PGE Dystrybucja)
- Grzegorz Wałdoch, ENSPIRION
- Grzegorz Onichimowski, ekspert PIME (NODES)
- Peter Polach, SymPower
- Łukasz Sosnowski, Stoen Operator
- Dariusz Stańczak, Orange
Moderator: Radosław Babij, PIME
Session partners: SymPower, ENSPIRION
Day 3 | 18.01.2024
11:00 – 11:30
Prezentacja: ,Agregacja magazynów energii w usługach elastyczności”-
Remigiusz Szlendak, Enspirion
Session 1 | 11:30 – 13:00
Introductory presentation:
- Energy storage in aggregator services – Potential revenue models in the energy storage market – Adam Kościelniak, A-RES
- Capacity/DSR Market
- Flexibility Services Market
- Arbitrage
- Balancing Market
- cPPA (Corporate Power Purchase Agreement)
- Auctions
Panel Discussion: What Should be the Structure of Revenue Models –
Best Practices and Barriers
- Piotr Błach, Transition Technologies
- Krzysztof Müller, Photon Energy Trading
- Karol Wolański, NEXT KRAFTWERKE
- Christain Schnell, DENTONS
- Michał Szymczuk, Enercode
Moderator: Adam Kościelniak, A-RES
Partnerzy sesji: SymPower, A-RES
Session 2 | 13:20 – 15:00
Introductory presentations:
- Energy warehouses with or without a construction permit – Krzysztof Strukowicz, My-Soft
- Local government balancing using energy storage – Daniel Raczkiewicz, Energynat Solutions
- Energy management in cities and municipalities
- Investment directions in RES and energy storage, and sources of
financing - Energy storage in rail and tram traction
- Energy storage in public facilities
- Virtual and collective prosumer
Panel Discussion: Significant potential for the use of energy storage in energy clusters and municipal economy still untapped – how to change that?
- Krzysztof Strukowicz, My-Soft
- Robert Łasa, KSTAR
- Albert Gryszczuk, Krajowa Izba Klastrów Energii
- Daniel Raczkiewicz, Energynat Solutions
- Paweł Piotrowicz, TUV-SUD
- Michał Frańczak, Power LAB
Moderator: Radosław Gutowski, PIME (SEP)
Session partners: KSTAR
Session 3 | 14.30 – 16:00
Presentation: Hydrogen, Ammonia, or Biogas – Business Perspectives in
the Energy Storage Area
Panel Discussion: The Direction of Development in the Hydrogen, Ammonia, and Biogas Storage Market – Barriers, Incentives, Investments, Practices, and Benefits
Invited Participants:
- Anna Rozkosz, Water2H2 AB & Metacon AB
- Przedstawiciel Stokota
- Grzegorz Jóźwiak, PKN Orlen
Moderator: Paweł Piotrowicz, Hydrogen Poland
Day 1 | 16.01.2024
12.00 - 15.00
12.00 – 12.30
Dawid Zieliński, Columbus Energy
Project presentation
12.30 – 13.00
Mateusz Leszczyński, OX2
Projects and Implementations of Energy Warehouses
13.00 – 13.30
Karol Oczadły, ELSTA
Presentation of the BESS Magazine by Elsta.
13.30 – 14.00
Denis Prokopczyk, SUNWODA
Embark on the new era of High Density C&I Energy Storage Systems with SUNWODA
14.00 – 14.30
Filip Piasecki, Rafał Macuk, Aurora Energy Research
Energy Storage Market Presentation
Day 1 | 16.01.2024
13.00 - 15.00
12.00 – 13.00
Robert Łasa, Ewa Urbaniec, Mariusz Czachorowski
KSTAR Workshops
Efficient Energy Storage by Kstar. Use and Earn with Energy - Key Studies
Read more
13.10 – 14.10
Mirosław Dyrda - Business Development Manager w Transition Technologies – Systems, Paweł Przygodzki – Dyrektor ds. Rozwoju w Transition Technologies Control Solutions
Transition Technologies Systems Workshops - The Role of Energy Warehouses and Teleinformatics Challenges
- Concept of Connecting Energy Storage to the Power Grid
Infrastructure and teleinformatics tools in the process of connecting
energy storage facilities to the grid. - Role of Energy Storage in the Energy Market
Presentation of possible ways to utilize energy storage and
the benefits for consumers and operators resulting from them. - Analysis of Solutions for Example Models of Energy Storage Utilization
Workshop and discussion: defining challenges and potential
teleinformatic solutions for individual cases.
- Concept of Connecting Energy Storage to the Power Grid
a. Energy Storage Not Connected to the Grid
b. Energy Storage in the Balancing Market
c. Energy Storage in the Balancing Market, Capacity Market, and Arbitrage
d. Energy Storage for OSD Flexibility Services
Read more
14.20 – 14.50
Michał Frańczak, Power LAB
Presentation: Energy storage for prosumers and small businesses
15.00 – 15.30
Tomasz Rodziewicz, Tauron Dystrybucja
Presentation: Energy storage integrated with the distribution network – experiences and perspective of TAURON Distribution
Day 3 | 18.01.2024
12.00 - 14.00
12.00 – 12.30
Maksym Sysoiev, President of the Energy Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine.
Presentation: Investment perspective for Polish companies in Ukraine in energy storage and renewable energy sources
12.30 – 13.00
Michał Szymczuk, Enercode
Project presentation
Kontakt do organizatora Konferencji:
Stowarzyszenie Polska Izba Magazynowania Energii i Elektromobilności – PIME
Obsługa merytoryczna: Krzysztof Kochanowski, wiceprezes zarządu PIME
Obsługa logistyczna: Katarzyna Bassa, office manager PIME
Obsługa marketingowa: Karolina Malinowska, conference manager PIME
Conference organizers
SES zone F3.36
11:00 - 12:00
Damian Cymbała, Oskar Fikus
Electric mobility
Damian Cymbała, Oskar Fikus
Eway S.A.
12:00 - 13:00
dr inż. Karol Pawlak
Solar power plants in urban spaces
dr inż. Karol Pawlak
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Power Engineering, Department of Power Plants and Power Systems, President of the Board of Sustainable Energy Solutions Ltd
13:00 - 14:30
adw. Adam Szalc
New legal solutions supporting efficient energy economy and RES development - direct line and cable pooling
adw. Adam Szalc
Managing Partner, Hanton Law Firm
12:00 - 14:00
dr inż. Karol Pawlak
Hybres - Complementary Renewable Energy Solution
dr inż. Karol Pawlak
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Power Engineering, Department of Power Plants and Power Systems, President of the Board of Sustainable Energy Solutions Ltd
14:00 - 15:00
Daniel Raczkiewicz (Member of the Management Board EnergyNAT Group)
Flexible services and energy storage
15:00 - 15:30
Robert Cybulski, Juliusz Bojarczuk, Piotr Araszkiewicz
Monitoring stanu elementów infrastruktury energetycznej przy pomocy włókien światłowodowych
Robert Cybulski, Juliusz Bojarczuk, Piotr Araszkiewicz
Fiberteam Photonic Solutions Sp. z o.o., Dawis IT Sp. z o.o.
The presentations will take place in Hall F
12:00 - 12:45
efines.co.uk - instalments here and now - the perfect instalment plan for your customers
efines.pl - Krzysztof Przybysz
efines.pl - Krzysztof Przybysz
He has been involved in the financial and e-commerce industry for 16 years. For all these years, he has focused on business development, in particular in the implementation of business models for e-services, the digitisation of operational and marketing activities and the building and management of teams of specialists. He has worked with companies such as Ferratum Bank plc, Loando Group, Fincarlo, Merkandi and for the last two years he has been associated with the financial broker Fines SA.
13:00 - 14:00
Tools and people in the photovoltaic industry - a system for sales and implementation teams
TECNA - Jarosław Sochocki
TECNA - Jarosław Sochocki
Author of the presented solution. Process analyst, IT specialist and project manager with industry knowledge of PV solution sales issues
14:00 - 14:45
"Maintaining greenery on photovoltaic farms - challenges for operators and suggestions for effective solutions using specialised horticultural machinery"
Prosat - Piotr Adamek, Konrad Szczygieł
Prosat - Piotr Adamek, Konrad Szczygieł
Piotr Adamek - Sales Director of specialist garden and municipal machinery and municipal machines at PROSAT Fojcik Sp.J. In the industry since 2009. Konrad Szczygieł - Sales Director of grubbing machines. Co-owner of SERWIS SZYMANÓW company. In the industry since 2009.
15:00 - 15:30
Commercial connection of Renewable Energy Sources. Connection expertise. Cable Pooling
UMOYA ENERGY CUNSULTING - dr inż. Franciszek Buchta
UMOYA ENERGY CUNSULTING - dr inż. Franciszek Buchta
"Graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, specialising in electrical power engineering, PhD in technical sciences in the field of electrical power engineering. He started his career as an assistant professor at the Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, President of the Management Board in the Centre for Regional Planning of Power Engineering Development and Member of the Management Board in the EPC S.A. company. He participated in a targeted project of the Scientific Research Committee in the field of planning of power system development under market conditions. He participated in the development of the new Energy Law and in a number of draft regulations to the said law. Co-author of the instructions for traffic and operation of the transmission, and distribution network. He was involved in technical, organisational and legal issues related to Poland's preparation for the European electricity market.He developed and implemented at PSE S.A. a method for planning the development of the transmission and 110 kV networks under electricity market conditions. Acting as a Director in a company dealing with network planning and development, he participated in obtaining permits for the construction of HV lines and substations from the planning stage, through the required documentation, to construction and detailed designs. He has participated in expert reports on the impact of connected generation sources and consumers on the power system. He has authored more than 200 unpublished major collective works and more than 100 publications in professional journals in Poland, France and the USA. He has participated in expert studies on the impact of connected generation sources and consumers on the power system. To his credit, he has more than 200 unpublished major collective works and more than 100 publications in professional journals in the country and in France or the USA. He has participated in programme boards and is a regular speaker at conferences on the energy market or the electricity sector in general. He has received numerous awards and distinctions for his contribution to the development of the Polish power industry. SEP expert in the field of electrical power engineering and information technology. President of the Management Board of UMOYA ENERGY CONSULTING since 2023."
10:45 - 11:00
significance of open architecture for enhancing efficiency in the solar energy industry
CF Energy GmbH - Anna Ponomarenko
SolarEdge ONE for individual customers
Michał Marona, Country Manager at SolarEdge Polska
11:00 - 11:15
Michał Marona, Country Manager at SolarEdge Polska
Graduate of the Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering, and postgraduate studies in "Investments in Renewable Energy Sources" organized by the University of Economics in Wrocław in cooperation with the Institute of Renewable Energy in Warsaw. With over 10 years of experience in the photovoltaic industry as a salesperson, technical-commercial advisor, trainer, and consultant. Worked for leading manufacturers of components for photovoltaic systems. Currently working for SolarEdge Technology – a company that aims to revolutionize the photovoltaic industry. At SolarEdge, serves as the Country Manager responsible for the company's development in Poland.
11:15 - 11:30
Mariusz Potocki, Head of Commercial Sales SolarEdge Polska
SolarEdge ONE for commercial solutions
Mariusz Potocki, Head of Commercial Sales SolarEdge Polska
Associated with renewable energy since 2005. Due to education in hydrology and meteorology, initially focused on hydropower. Alongside the team at IMGW, involved in analyzing wind resources in Poland, utilized in future planning for wind turbine locations. From 2007 to 2015, managed wind projects, overseeing the implementation of German company Enercon's wind turbine projects with a Bydgoszcz-based company. Since 2007, involved in photovoltaics. From 2008 to 2015, initially as Logistics Manager, later as Production Director at Solar-Future-Energy factory - one of the first Polish photovoltaic module factories. From 2010 to 2012, engaged in the implementation of photovoltaic farm projects in Bulgaria and Italy. In 2012-2013, developed a sales network for micro-installations in Sicily, based on PV modules produced in Poland. Since 2015 - after establishing own advisory firm in the renewable energy sector - associated with the PV module production market in Poland and abroad as a Business Development Manager. Engaged in promoting and developing Polish businesses in markets such as Australia, Georgia, Ukraine, and the United Arab Emirates. Since 2019, associated with SolarEdge, currently serving as Head of Commercial Sales.
11:30 - 12:00
Enspo - Nina Luo
Rahvolt company presentation
12:00 - 12:45
efines.co.uk - instalments here and now - the perfect instalment plan for your customers
efines.pl - Krzysztof Przybysz
efines.pl - Krzysztof Przybysz
He has been involved in the financial and e-commerce industry for 16 years. For all these years, he has focused on business development, in particular in the implementation of business models for e-services, the digitisation of operational and marketing activities and the building and management of teams of specialists. He has worked with companies such as Ferratum Bank plc, Loando Group, Fincarlo, Merkandi and for the last two years he has been associated with the financial broker Fines SA.
13:00 - 13:30
Status of electricity grids, conditioning the connectivity of RES installations. Optimisation of RES project for commercial connection to the electricity grid
UMOYA ENERGY CUNSULTING - dr inż. Franciszek Buchta
UMOYA ENERGY CUNSULTING - dr inż. Franciszek Buchta
"Graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, specialising in electrical power engineering, PhD in technical sciences in the field of electrical power engineering. He started his career as an assistant professor at the Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, President of the Management Board in the Centre for Regional Planning of Power Engineering Development and Member of the Management Board in the EPC S.A. company. He participated in a targeted project of the Scientific Research Committee in the field of planning of power system development under market conditions. He participated in the development of the new Energy Law and in a number of draft regulations to the said law. Co-author of the instructions for traffic and operation of the transmission, and distribution network. He was involved in technical, organisational and legal issues related to Poland's preparation for the European electricity market.He developed and implemented at PSE S.A. a method for planning the development of the transmission and 110 kV networks under electricity market conditions. Acting as a Director in a company dealing with network planning and development, he participated in obtaining permits for the construction of HV lines and substations from the planning stage, through the required documentation, to construction and detailed designs. He has participated in expert reports on the impact of connected generation sources and consumers on the power system. He has authored more than 200 unpublished major collective works and more than 100 publications in professional journals in Poland, France and the USA.He has participated in expert studies on the impact of connected generation sources and consumers on the power system. To his credit, he has more than 200 unpublished major collective works and more than 100 publications in professional journals in the country and in France or the USA. He has participated in programme boards and is a regular speaker at conferences on the energy market or the electricity sector in general. He has received numerous awards and distinctions for his contribution to the development of the Polish power industry. SEP expert in the field of electrical power engineering and information technology. President of the Management Board of UMOYA ENERGY CONSULTING since 2023."
13:30 - 14:00
Fire safety of photovoltaic installations
SOLARSTOP - Mgr inż. Jacek Ćwikliński
SOLARSTOP - Mgr inż. Jacek Ćwikliński
"Graduate of the Construction Department at Copenhagen University of Technology and the Department of Fire Safety Engineering at the Fire Academy in Warsaw. More than 15 years of experience in the fire safety specialisation. Member of the Association of Fire Engineers and Technicians and the Association of Fire Safety Engineers. Researcher-expert in project for the development of a non-combustible and non-conductive agent for extinguishing and deactivation of photovoltaic (PV) installations. Originator and co-developer of the first extinguishing and deactivation device on the market Solarstop photovoltaic installations on the market."
14:00 - 14:45
"Maintaining greenery on photovoltaic farms - challenges for operators and suggestions for effective solutions using specialised horticultural machinery".
Prosat - Piotr Adamek, Konrad Szczygieł
Prosat - Piotr Adamek, Konrad Szczygieł
Piotr Adamek - Sales Director of specialist garden and municipal machinery at PROSAT Fojcik Sp.J. In the industry since 2009. Konrad Szczygieł - Sales Director of grubbing machines. Co-owner of SERWIS SZYMANÓW company. In the industry since 2009.